The whole weekend is just a blur as to be honest it’s just too much of a concern when “a day” has become a “weekend”. I can see from the outside if it looks like I’ve regressed but in all honesty it’s more a familiarity thing as since I was 7 years old and as much as things change, they stay the same. This makes me so happy to write as what we have here is how I’ve found myself watching Wrestlemania but realising that I’m 32 so I can’t stay up like I used to and so I went to bed after Shinsuke Nakamura vs. AJ Styles and that in itself is the concern. I ran a half marathon last year, I may just need to run another thing soon as this is just crazy. It’s all stamina or that this is a young man’s game?

I read on Twitter how Botchamania’s Maffew Gregg did the same thing, so without being too much of a stalker I better find out how old he is as it’s most definitely real, his tweet was funny though. Either way I’ve found myself watching Wrestlemania, one thing that never changes is how NXT:Takeover seems to outlast anything the “main roster” can hold as it’s amazing just watching it. I made an instagram post back in November at how the Takeover: Wargames could lose out to Survivor Series but that was a longshot as just look at the record as since the existence of Takeover and that’s what it does, it’s TAKES OVER, now even wrestlemania. Though Survivor Series wasn’t bad, it simply couldn’t beat Wargames, and so I’m watching Wrestlemania again and Nia Jax vs. Alexa Bliss is on and it’s simply that alternative escapism that I told you about as the story is about the friendship between the two as Alexa Bliss is everything that we remember about high school/secondary school as “the head cheerleader” is a bit of a “character” and so Nia Jax is somewhat of the alternative as the atypical “big girl that was picked on in said school”. This match happened as it was clearly all a ruse and such as Bliss used Jax as her “heavy” (pun intended). And it’s these things that makes wrestling that drama and I love it for that, a narrative story.  In real life Alexis Kaufman (Alexa Bliss) and Savelina Fanene (Nia Jax) are BFF’s (Best Friend’s Forever), much like Hollywood actor’s or TV character’s it’s their craft that warrants not just my respect but the respect of anybody that chooses to watch it. NXT simply does it shorter and better as it’s got a very “old school, 70’s/80’s vibe to it’s presentation and it’s thinking and it’s because their PPV’s are only some 2 and a half hours but Wrestlemania was 7 hours. Watching NXT makes me want more but watching Wrestlemania sent me to sleep.

I can’t stress enough, this is since I was 7 or 8 and much like football and sports in general, it’s a narrative and I love it for that, it keeps me human. Maybe in watching WWE, I know it just as well as the organisation. My reaction is shared and is very much agreed upon and to think the first match in Takeover was probably the best to open the PPV. Either way in picking up Wrestlemania again I’m at The Bar vs. Braun Strowman and his “mystery opponent” but yeah… The WWE just isn’t aimed at me I suppose.

Either way I just will always have that stigma is all, it’s ingrained into me as WWE and sports entertainment as a whole is that Star Wars, is that Twilight, is pure escapism. One of the best Wrestlemania’s in recent history that’s for sure though.